Queen of Peace Church | Hamilton, Ohio
Meet Our 2024/25 Teachers
PREP Coordinator
Cheryl Hunt has served as the PREP Coordinator, on and off, since 2014. She has been a member of the Queen of Peace community since 1999. As the daughter of a career Army officer, she has lived in many parts of the country as well as overseas. Born in Tokyo, Japan she is the 3 rd of 6 children. Cheryl is married to Keith, a lifelong resident of Hamilton, and is the mother of two sons. She is the current Director of Faith Formation and the Catechetical Leader of Queen of Peace. The PREP program holds a special place in her heart as she loves working with the volunteer catechists and students. There is always laughter in the halls! To contact Cheryl, email chunt@ststephenoh.org.
Kindergarten & First Grade
Chrissy O’Connor has been a member of Queen of Peace parish since 2010 and has been involved in the PREP program for 7 years. The students love her. She and her husband, Ken, have been married for 20 years and have two daughters. Staying at home to take care of her family (which includes chickens) is her #1 priority, but that didn’t stop her and her husband from taking on the challenge of coordinating the church festival!
"My faith has blessed me in so many ways and I’m excited to share my love for Christ and our Church with the little minds that will walk through our doors each Sunday morning!"
Second Grade
Sarah Dillhoff has been a member of Queen of Peace parish for 35 years and has taught PREP for 12 years. She taught first grade for two years then graduated to second grade, where she has been firmly planted. Sarah is married to Andy, and they have 5 children, which means when they are not farming, they are constantly on the go. She graduated from QP school and is very involved and volunteers for many committees and functions. She loves teaching second grade because it is such an exciting year for your child. It is the year when your child will receive two major sacraments, Eucharist (1 st Communion) and Reconciliation!
Third Grade
Sarah Moeller has been a member of Queen of Peace parish for 8 years and has taught PREP for 6 years. She and her husband, Nathan, have four boys and are recent to our family as they moved here in 2016. They quickly assimilated themselves and are active in school, church, and soccer. Sarah has a degree in art and loves to use many different crafts to help her teach her third graders about God’s creation of the visible and invisible, the Bible, different forms of prayer and, of course, God’s great unending love.
Fourth Grade
Cathy Rodeffer has been a member has been a member of Queen of Peace for about 28 years. She has taught Prep for 11 years and this will be her 4th year with the 4th graders. Outside of her church activities she enjoys gardening and spending time with her family and friends. We are very thankful for how piously Cathy models the faith and shows Christ's love to our young students.
Fifth Grade
Kelly Benjey joined our parish in 2016 and has been teaching in the PREP program for 4 years. She and her husband, Adam, have 6 children and you often see them at 11:00 Mass when Adam sings in our choir. Kelly works in engineering by day and keeps busy with scouting, sports, show choir, band and drama activities when she is not working.
"The PREP program was one of the things that drew us to Queen of Peace; I used to volunteer as a youth minister, and I always wanted my children to have a strong connection to Jesus and the Church. I love our faith and I love growing with the students and volunteers in PREP."
Sixth Grade
Ben Holley
Seventh & Eighth Grade
Welcome 7th & 8th Graders! Andy Dillhoff Andy Dillhoff will be your teacher. This is his 8 th year teaching and is a long-time member of our parish. He was a member of the Parish Council and very involved in the parish festival and our youth ministry. He has five children and jokes that “This is a great way to get babysitting.” Andy is energetic and fun and brings energy and enthusiasm into the classroom as they learn all about our faith and have a true relationship with Jesus Christ! His classroom activities are student led and center on the kids and the weekly gospel.
Beth Paproski co-teaches with Andy in their middle school village (which is in St. Isadore). By his own admission, Andy is technology challenged and Beth is his right- hand “man” in all things technology based. Beth began working in the PREP program back when it was called CCD in 1992. She took some time off but came back when her two sons were ready to begin the program. Over the years, Beth has worked with all grades, either assisting or being the teacher. Outside of PREP Beth enjoys music and is in her 23rd year of teaching at Talawanda Middle School.