Queen of Peace Catholic Church, Hamilton, Ohio
Queen of Peace Church Interior

Queen of Peace Church | Hamilton, Ohio

Parish Ministries

Adult Faith Formation

The Adult Faith Formation Team recognizes that adult formation is essential for the Church to carry out its mandate to proclaim the Good News of Jesus to the world. The team will help to provide a comprehensive approach to adult formation that will embrace all the faith dimensions of adult life. In a vibrant learning environment our adult team will engage the particular needs and interests of the adults of our parish through integration of actual life experience, diverse adult learning needs, study of scripture and the teaching of the Church's tradition.

The following three goals will guide and direct our efforts in adult faith formation:

  1. Invite and enable ongoing conversion to Jesus in holiness of life
  2. Promote and support active membership in the Christian community
  3. Call and prepare adults to act as disciples in mission to the world

Contact a member of the Education Commission if you have any questions on Adult Faith Formation.

Bereavement Committee

Members meet with the bereaved parish families to help plan funeral arrangements such as the Mass for the deceased and a luncheon on the day of the funeral. New members are always welcome.

Queen of Peace provides a luncheon and helps to plan the funeral. If you are interested in helping with this very worthwhile project please contact the Parish office.

Bible Study

Weekly Bible Study

Call Deacon Mike, (513)867-1832, with any questions.

Blood Bank

The Queen of Peace Blood Bank is a service for our entire parish membership, their families and in-laws. The Blood Bank is in existence for and supported by parish members who donate blood throughout the year. New donors are always needed. Anyone requiring blood for any reason - illness, surgery or an accident - is eligible at no charge.

If you have a need for blood, wish to donate, or would like more information, contact our blood bank parish coordinator, Laura Herold, at (513)894-2462.

Communion to the Sick & Shut-In

Communion distributors visit the sick and shut-in members of the parish to bring them Holy Communion. Anyone who would like to receive a visit, or is interested in assisting with this ministry should call the parish office.


Name Phone Facility Coordinator
Jack Geyer (513)868-9771 Scheduling
Jane Armentrout (513)896-1146 Homebound
Al Schneider (513)844-6121 Hospice
Celeste Baumgartner    
Barb Gfroerer    
Laura Herold    
Marge Mergy    
Sue Niehaus    
Kathy Watkins    

Divine Mercy and the Apostolate for the Dying

Every Tuesday & Friday at 3:00pm, The Apostolate for the Dying meet in church to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy as close as possible to the 3 o'clock Hour of Mercy for those who are sick and who may die that day. All are welcome to join us in this beautiful work of mercy. If you know of anyone who needs our prayers please contact Barb Huber or the parish office at parishoffice@qpchurch.org or call 513-863-4344. We are also willing to visit the bedside of anyone who is in need of prayer at the request of the family.

Men's Group

The Queen of Peace Men’s Group meets every Wednesday evening at 7:00pm in St. Isidore Hall for spiritual enrichment. Our goal is to be good spiritual leaders for our families while becoming the best version of ourselves. The agenda includes reading and reflection on the upcoming Sunday scripture readings, use of the Formed website, prayer and sharing of experiences, and good fellowship. This meeting time is also convenient for men wanting to go to confession (until 8:30 PM), attend Eucharistic Exposition (8:00 - 9:00 PM), and/or Benediction at 9:00 PM on Wednesdays. COME & JOIN US!!

Prayer Blanket Ministry

The Prayer Blanket Ministry makes available a small blessed blanket for those who are seriously ill. Blankets are traditionally associated with warmth, comfort, and security. The prayer blanket is meant to symbolize the coveing of the sick person with prayer and caring of the community. If you are interested in being a part of this ministry or know someone in need of a blanket , contact the parish office at 863-4344. Talents are needed in sewing, knitting, crocheting, knotting, and praying.

A Very Big Thank You to the Prayer Blanket Ministry! Read a message sent to us from a very grateful recipient below.

Click Here to Read

Prayer Hotline

The Hotline is a network of several telephone chains and e-mail that pass prayer requests from person to person. Each member prays for those requests in his/her own way and time. We have morning groups that receive telephone requests starting at 9:00AM. We have evening groups who receive their telephone requests around 6:00PM. Members on the hotline can expect to receive requests four or five times a week. Requests do not go out over the weekend unless there is an emergency. The hotline is such a comfort to people confronted with illness, injuries from accidents, or other problems. Just a brief description along with a name (first name with optional last name) is fine. If your request is personal, it can be called a "special intention."

May we pray for you? If you or someone you know has a need, prayer power is waiting through the Queen of Peace Prayer Hotline. Contact the parish office or e-mail cehrnschwender@gmail.com to submit your requests or to become a member.

Respect For Life

Parishioners have been involved in Pro-Life activities for many years. The group meets on an as-needed basis.

For information, call Sarah Kissel, (513)477-5701.

Social Justice Committee

The focus of this group is on helping the poor and marginalized in society, in the diocese, state, nation, and the world. They meet in Urbain Hall at 7:00pm on the second Monday of the month.

Serve City

Queen of Peace homeschoolers and Men's Group have taken many of the Serve City dates. If you are interested in assisting Social Justice Committee members with serving or preparing for the residents of Serve City, see the schedule below.

The 2020 Serve City dates are:

Wednesdays: July 29, August 19, September 30, October 21, December 16, and December 30.
Saturdays: August 29, and October 31.

If you would like to cook or serve with us or an individual or group, please contact Vicki Cross 513-708-6720 or Jan Sunderhaus 513-738-4967.


We are always looking for cooks and servers. Any parishioner interested in learning more about this group or joining is welcome to attend one of the meetings or contact one of the following members:

Name Phone
Vicki Cross (513)708-6720
Jan Sunderhaus (513)738-4967
Sarah Dillhoff (513)756-9664

St. Isidore's Group

The St. Isidore's Group is made up of parishioners who volunteer to care for our beautiful Parish grounds throughout the Spring, Summer and Fall seasons. Individuals, couples, and families "adopt" a small segment of the Parish landscaped areas and maintain them at their convenience throughout the growing season. This includes the planting of annual flowers, edging, trimming, weeding, watering etc. The grounds are divided into about twenty "areas". This keeps the amount of effort manageable so that no one family, individual or team of individuals has to put in more than one hour per week (on average) in caring for the area they adopt.

We have a terrific group of individuals and families participating in this effort. There is always a lot to do and we can always use a few more willing hands. So please join us and share a bit of your time and talent to keep the Queen of Peace Property as beautiful as it can possibly be. For more information contact Ray or Judy Arlinghaus at (513)863-4831.

St. Vincent de Paul Society

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is an international Catholic organization of lay persons founded in 1833 by Frederick Ozanman. Under the patronage of St. Vincent de Paul, the society derives its inspiration from his thinking and work. It seeks to work in a spirit of justice and charity, and by person-to-person involvement of its members, to help those in need. This is not just a men's society as the history indicates. Women and men serve those in need, including visits to the hospitalized, shut-in and residents in nursing homes; those who have low income or no income, or are in need of help.

St. Vincent de Paul's Mission: "Go and Make Disciples."

Goals and Objectives:
1) Know your faith
2) Live your faith
3) Share your Faith

Please help in providing and distributing food, clothing, shelter, love and concern for less fortunate families. Contact one of the following:

Name Phone
Al Schneider - President (513)844-6121
Charlie Holmes - Vice President (513)524-1285
Barb Huber - Treasurer  
Gary Trudel - Secretary  
Ron & Beth Bulach  
Donna Trudel  

Young At Heart - Senior Group

Young at Heart members meet for lunch regularly on the second Monday of each month. The location changes from month to month. Contact Kathy Watkins at (513)896-1801 for information. Upcoming outings will be listed below.

Last modified: 12-28-2022 05:19 PM