Queen of Peace Church | Hamilton, Ohio
Anointing of the Sick
Notify the parish office if you or a family member is hospitalized and in need of Anointing of the Sick. Lay ministers serve the shut-ins by bringing Communion to the home on a weekly basis. Contact the parish office at (513)863-4344 to be placed on our homebound list.
Children under 7 years old: Baptisms are normally scheduled for any Saturday or Sunday, during or immediately following Mass. Other dates and times are possible depending on the availability of the Pastor or Deacons. Baptism during Mass is also available. Baptisms occur only after completion in the Baptismal Prep Program through Queen of Peace (see below). To have a child baptized, parents must be members of the parish and should be active Mass attendees. Call the parish office (513)863-4344 to schedule the class.
Baptism Preparation Class
Preparation consists of a home visit if possible, and an evening preparation class held on the second Monday of each month from 7:00pm to 8:00pm in Urbain Hall. You MUST register in advance before attending a Baptism Prep Class. Expectant parents are encouraged to complete the program prior to the birth of their child. There is no cost involved. If this date each month is not possible, call Shelly Glasshagel or the parish office for another option.
To register, contact Shelly Glasshagel at (513)300-8574.
Baptism Forms
These forms are to be completed before Baptism:
Confirmation for eighth grade students and above is held every year in conjunction with St. Aloysius. Location of the Confirmation Mass alternates between the two parishes. Preparation takes place during parish religious education classes at Queen of Peace and St. Aloysius, at Queen of Peace School, and at St. Joseph Consolidated School.
QP hosted Confirmation on November 30, 2021.
St. Al's will be hosting the Confirmation Mass of 2022.
For students wishing to be confirmed, please review our Sacrament Preparation Policy below.
First Communion
The Sacrament of First Communion is traditionally celebrated at our parish in the weeks following Easter.
Our formation for First Communion begins in 1st grade and continues through 2nd grade in both our school and PREP program. A family retreat is held for our 2nd graders.
For students wishing to receive their First Communion, please review our Sacrament Preparation Policy below.
Couples contemplating marriage should call the parish office for an appointment with the pastor before setting a marriage date. Six months preparation is required. Marriages are not scheduled during Lent. Contact the parish office for more information or to set a date.
The sacrament of reconciliation is available weekly on Wednesdays at 7:30pm at Queen of Peace during Eucharistic Exposition & Benediction. We also annually host a beautiful Divine Mercy service the first Sunday following Easter which centers around God's abundant mercy. Multiple priests join us to hear Confessions. For more information on Divine Mercy Sunday, click here.
Both parishes also frequently host reconciliation opportunities during the Advent and Lent. Keep an eye on the website or bulletin for details.
You may also set up an appointment by calling the parish office at (513)863-4344 or email parishoffice@qpchurch.org.
For students wishing to receive the sacrament of reconcililation, please review our Sacrament Preparation Policy below.
Sacrament Preparation Policy
The purpose of this policy is to stress the important relationship between living faith, Church affiliation and the sacraments, and to affirm our responsibility to receive the sacraments of the Church with the proper disposition.
Students intending to receive First Eucharist, Reconciliation, and Confirmation at Queen of Peace Church must be enrolled and participate in religious education classes through one of the following.
- Queen of Peace School
- Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) - 80% minimum attendance rate required
- Right of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) - 80% minimum attendance rate required
Students must be enrolled for one (1) full year prior to receiving a sacrament and must complete all diocesan and parish requirements prior to receiving a sacrament. Candidates and their families must be attending Sunday Mass regularly at Queen of Peace and be actively involved in parish life. Candidates for the sacraments must be baptized and fulfill all requirements of the Code of Canon Law.
Students transferring from another parish and entering Queen of Peace School or PREP for the first time during a sacramental preparation year will be required to show evidence of participation in a religious education program in their former parish and a basic understanding of Catholic belief and practice before being accepted for candidacy for a sacrament. Should they fail to show appropriate evidence of knowledge and practice of the Catholic faith, prospective candidates will be expected to participate in special classes or individual tutoring as determined by the Administrator of Religious Education or Pastor.
Any candidate for a sacrament who did not enroll and participate in religious education classes for one (1) full year prior to receiving a sacrament will have the reception of the sacrament postponed until preparation is completed, as determined by the Administrator of Religious Education or Pastor.
Students whose parents decide to provide formal religious education in a home-based manner are to follow the Guidelines for Home-Based Religious Education as well as the Graded Course of Study for Early Childhood and Elementary Catechetical Programs and Forming Young Disciples. (These documents are available through the Archdiocesan Office of Evangelization and Catechesis.)
Approved by Queen of Peace Education Commission Committee 11/2010 & Queen of Peace Parish Council 11/2010