Queen of Peace Catholic Church, Hamilton, Ohio
Queen of Peace Church Interior

Queen of Peace Church | Hamilton, Ohio


Cub Scout Badge Cub Scouts

Cub Scouting is a program of Scouts BSA for the purpose of developing character and encouraging spiritual growth; developing habits and attitudes of good citizenship; encouraging good sportsmanship; strengthening the ability to get along with others; fostering a sense of personal achievement by developing physical and mental skills; and learning to do one's best.

Here at Queen of Peace, the youth grades K-5 have the opportunity to join the Cub Scout program. There are several Cub Scout Packs in our area. The youth of Queen of Peace join Cub Scout Pack 924, which is chartered through the Parish. The youths' school grade will determine which den they will start in. A kindergartner would be a Lion Cub, 1st grade - Tiger, 2nd grade - Wolf, 3rd grade - Bear, 4th grade - Webelo, and the 5th Grade - Arrow of Light.

If interested in learning more about Cub Scouts, go to Dan Beard Council (www.gocubscouts.com) or Scouts BSA (www.scouting.org), select Join Scouting, and enter your zip code to find Troops and Packs in our area. Alternatively, you can contact our Parish representatives, Mike Kramer.

Scouts BSA Badge Scouts BSA

Scouting has been around for over 109 years. On February 1st 2019 the Boy Scouts of America changed their name to Scouts BSA. On this date, Scouts BSA Started allowing the female youth to register into this program. This allows all youth to enjoy the adventure that comes with the program. This will also allow all youth the opportunity to reach the rank of Eagle.

Here at Queen of Peace, the youth ages 11-18 have the opportunity to join the Scouts BSA program. There are several Scouts BSA troops located in our area in which the youth of our parish can join. The majority from Queen of Peace join Troop 935 which is chartered with St. Aloysius Church in Shandon and Troop 956 located at the Isaack Walton League in Hamilton, Ohio. Troop 935 meets at St. Al’s on Wednesday evenings in the church hall from 7:00-8:30 PM. Troop 956 meets on Thursdays at the Isaack Walton from 7:15-9:00 PM.

If interested in learning more about Scouts BSA, go to Dan Beard Council (www.gocubscouts.com) or Scouts BSA (www.scouting.org), select Join Scouting, and enter your zip code to find Troops and Packs in our area. Alternatively, you can contact our Parish representatives, Mike Kramer - Troop 935 or John Tromans - Troop 956.

American Heritage Badge American Heritage Girls

The American Heritage Girls program enables your daughter to grow in her FAITH, cultivate a heart for SERVICE, and have more FUN than she can imagine!

Girls develop physically, emotionally, and spiritually through the support and encouragement of other fun-loving girls and engaging AHG Mentors and Leaders. Troops participate in badge work, service projects, leadership opportunities, social and outdoor experiences that are unique to the female audience, all with an emphasis on Christian values and family involvement.

OH Troop 0226
Westside Church of Christ

Learn more about American Heritage Girls at americanheritagegirls.org

Last modified: 01-27-2020 09:24 AM