Queen of Peace Catholic Church, Hamilton, Ohio
Queen of Peace Church Interior

Queen of Peace Church | Hamilton, Ohio

Liturgical Ministries

Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion

This is a lay person that serves the Church by assisting the clergy in distributing the Holy Eucharist (the Body & Blood of Jesus Christ) to the believers. They must undergo training to prepare them for what they will need to do. Communion distributors may also visit the sick and shut-in members of the parish to bring them Holy Communion.

Any teenager or adult who feels they have the call to be a eucharistic minister at Queen of Peace is invited and encouraged to participate in this ministry. Contact The Parish Office at 863-4344 or at parishoffice@qpchurch.org for further details or fill out our Ministry Request Form and we will contact you.

Click here to see the current monthly eucharistic minister schedule.


The ministry of lector is an extremely important one for the Church. Proclaiming the Word of God at Mass is more than simply reading out loud into a microphone. Mother Church teaches us that Christ is truly present in the proclamation of the Word. Therefore, the lector is charged with proclaiming the Sacred Scriptures in a way that makes it intelligible and spiritual to his or her brothers and sisters in the congregation.

Lectors should be men and women who have a gift for public speaking, who can deliver the message with clarity and confidence, and who have a deep respect for the Word of God. They should practice their assigned readings and meditate upon them before their assigned Mass. Lectors may feel free to take a Missalette home with them for this purpose.

Ideally, the lector will arrive at church at least 15 minutes before Mass starts so the presider knows he or she is there.

Any teenager or adult who feels they have the call to be a lector at Queen of Peace is invited and encouraged to participate in this ministry. Contact the parish office at 863-4344 or the Parish Office at parishoffice@qpchurch.org for further details or fill out our Ministry Request Form and we will contact you.

Click here to see the current monthly Lector schedule.

Music Ministry

The choir and the guitar group are an integral part of parish worship. While they mostly involve people who sing, they also involve people who play instruments and have other talents as well. The groups are open to anyone who is interested in joining. One does not have to be a professional singer or a soloist to take part. One does have to be able to attend rehearsals and have the desire to praise God and learn the music.


The choir sings at the 11 am Mass on Sundays and practices before Mass at 10:30 am. There is no experience necessary, no need to know how to read music or have any training. Anyone interested in joining the choir should contact Becky Sunderhaus (607- 3922), choir director.

Guitar Group

The guitar group practices weekly in the church and provides music for the Saturday evening Mass at 5pm. E-mail Connie Ehrnschwender, cehrnschwender@gmail.com, or contact the parish office for more information.

Funeral Choir

The Funeral Choir ministers to the bereaved through music during the time of loss of a loved one. Call Becky Sunderhaus (607- 3922), or any member of the choir.


Click here to see the current monthly server schedule.

Anyone interested in becoming an Altar server should contact The Parish Office at 863-4344 or at parishoffice@qpchurch.org for further details or fill out our Ministry Request Form and we will contact you.


An Usher's role is to greet parishioners and guests as they enter our church, answer any questions and aid parishioners or guests as needed, take up collections, do a count for attendance, find persons to take up the gifts, and pass out bulletins after Mass. To serve in this ministry, please contact the parish office.

Last modified: 12-28-2022 05:17 PM